Thursday, May 5, 2016

I Dream of Pee Pee

        I don’t remember a lot of my dreams, but there are some that are unforgettable.  I have some very strange dreams.  Even though I am now 43 years old, I sometimes even still have dreams about missing the school bus.   One of the most frequent types of dreams I have though, have to do with the bathroom, or the need to use the bathroom.  I always get up at least once a night to use the bathroom, so I think, if I am really tired and sleeping when the urge hits, my mind plays tricks on me in my dreams to make sure I don’t wet the bed.
Once I was visiting a friend and had to go poop.  They pointed me in the direction of the bathroom, and I made my way in there.  When I looked around, the walls were disgustingly dirty, and there were clothes all over the floor.  I made my way to the toilet and was about to sit down to relieve myself when I realized, the toilet was stuffed with clothes and was not working.  I tried pulling out the clothes so I could go, but they were never-ending.  There were all kinds of clothes in there.  T-shirts, pants, sweaters, I think I even pulled out a coat.
On several different occasions, I have had dreams where I have to use the restroom so bad, but I get in there and the toilet is just sitting on the floor without any plumbing system.  I am talking about how they sit in a store, unusable.  It always seems like I have to poop really bad, but when I actually do wake up, I usually just need to pee.
My most memorable potty dream was some time ago, but it was so weird, I will never forget it.  I was at a fair, and had to go.  I looked all over for a bathroom, but couldn’t find one.  I saw port-o-potty’s, but they were all occupied and I really had to go bad.  I searched for more with no luck.  Finally someone told me that you had go over there, and pointed.  They were pointing right at the skee ball area.  I was so confused.  In this dream, you had to use the bathroom in the holes where the balls go in on the skee ball game, out in the open, in front of everyone.  I tried and tried, but just could not do it.  I was so concerned that I was being  tricked into doing something wrong.  I finally woke up and hauled butt to the bathroom.  I think this was actually the first of my potty dreams.  Maybe that is why I remember it so well.
I have always wondered what would happen if I found a nice, clean, private, and functional bathroom in my dream.  Would I wake up to a mess in real life?

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