Thursday, March 28, 2013

What is this

So last night as I am folding this huge mound of laundry, something falls out of my husbands shorts.  First thought in my head as I looked down at the little square package that is laying on the floor is, what is that, nothing more.  Then as I pick up the package I think to myself and giggle.  My husband is in the other room playing video games at the time.  As I walk towards the room I shout.  "Why is there a condom in your shorts?"  I peek around the corner to see him, as he questions what I said.  I hold up the little square package and say again, "why is there a condom in your shorts, it fell out while I was folding the laundry".  Barely able to look over at me, because of his game, he says it must be his nephews.  I can't help but giggle as I stand there for a minute waiting for him to really look at me, because the package is not a condom at all.  It was a pack of fish hooks.  I so love messing with people.

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